Episcopul dr. Vasile Coman al Oradiei – modelul păstorului și ierarhului erudit
During the year of “shepherds of souls”, the present study brings in front of us the bright face of one of the most important hierarchs of the Romanian Orthodox Church of the 20-th century – Vasile Coman, bishop of Oradea. Mot of the Alba land, who studied at the Theological Academy of Sibiu, he pastorates as a priest in Brasov area until 1937; paralleled, he is a professor at the famous “Andrei Saguna” Highschool in Brasov and he got his doctor’s degree in Theology under the guidance of Priest Prof. Dr. Peter Vintilescu in 1947. He was a dean of Brasov and a bishop of Oradea from December 1970 until 1991. He was a great bishop, a speaker of strength, a good, dynamic missionary, and a founder of the theological institutions in Oradea area. He is always remembered by his former disciples and students.