Aspecte liturgice, canonice și pastorale cu privire la fixarea canonului (epitimiei) în Taina Spovedaniei

  • Emil Cioară “Oradea“ University
Keywords: penitence, canon, confession, repetence, mystery


Penitence or Canon, the penultimate element of the ordinance of the Holy Mystery of Confession is “the part expressing the spiritual commitment of the penitent and it is in the confessor’s particular attention on pastoral line”. When we speak of the canon or penitence of Confession, we mean “repentance means prescribed by the confessor to the person confessing for the forgiveness of his sins by prayer, repentance, acts of charity, fasting, abstinence from certain foods or deeds”. Canon “is not punishment, but a pedagogical means that helps us realize how far we are from God and to strengthen ourselves in the spiritual struggle against the passions”. In other words, penitence seeks the correction of the penitent, thus having a pedagogical role. In setting the canon, a lot of prudence, spiritual wisdom and pastoral tact is needed from the father confessor. Essential in setting the canon, remains winning penitent’s consciousness on Christ’s side, purifying human nature from sin and getting the penitent accustomed to virtuous life, which is diametrically opposed to sin.


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Author Biography

Emil Cioară, “Oradea“ University

Pr. lect. dr. Emil Cioară, Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Episcop dr. Vasile Coman“, Universitatea din Oradea

How to Cite
Cioară, E. (2015). Aspecte liturgice, canonice și pastorale cu privire la fixarea canonului (epitimiei) în Taina Spovedaniei. Teologie și Educație La "Dunărea De Jos", 13, 203-221. Retrieved from
Sfânta Taină a Spovedaniei