Pagini de viață bisericească din Brăila interbelică în consemnările preotului Anghel Constantinescu din foaia parohială „Glasul Bisericii“

  • Cristian Gagu “Dunarea de Jos“ University of Galati
Keywords: Braila, Sf. Parascheva parish, priest Anghel Constantinescu, parish sheet The Voice of the Church, religious life, the interwar period


It seems that the distant past is handier, to which we confer an aura of glory, idealizing it and referring to him accordingly, by an act of imposed humility, than the recent past, which we ignore, considering it unworthy of our attention in comparison to the golden age of the Church Fathers, as though it would have nothing to offer. A quick look however fleeting on the documents that record, even partially and disparately, moments of church life of almost a century ago highlights faces of soul shepherds, bishops and priests, who worked in a Romanian society very similar, in many respects, to today’s problems and challenges which don’t differ much from today, and which, now as then, claims the same or some similar solutions. The present study aims to capture aspects of church life in interwar Braila under the observations of the priest Anghel Constantinescu, parson of St. Parascheva church, in the parish sheet “The Voice of the Church”, and to highlight the similarities and differences between the situation then and today in the pastoral work of the priest in parish.


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Author Biography

Cristian Gagu, “Dunarea de Jos“ University of Galati

Pr. conf. dr. Cristian Gagu, Facultatea de Istorie, Filosofie și Teologie, Universitatea „Dunărea de Jos“ din Galați

How to Cite
Gagu, C. (2016). Pagini de viață bisericească din Brăila interbelică în consemnările preotului Anghel Constantinescu din foaia parohială „Glasul Bisericii“. Teologie și Educație La "Dunărea De Jos", 14, 345-363. Retrieved from
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