Importanța educației religioase a tinerilor, oglindită în aspectul statornic al Sfintei Tradiții – Sfântul Ioan Gură de Aur și aspectul ei dinamic și local – episcopul Antim Angelescu

  • Sorin Marinescu “Dunarea de Jos“ University of Galati
Keywords: Holy Tradition, religious education, Christian teaching, sanctifying hierarchy, catechizing


Lately, the Church has been increasingly accused of transforming the religion class and the religious education, in general, part of a strategy to retain as many “contributors” through “indoctrination” of young people. I tried to demonstrate by presenting through pedagogical thought two leading bishops and preachers of the universal and local Church that the religious education of young people is not a last minute strategy of the Church, but a perpetuous concern, by the mandate of Christ the Savior Holy Apostles, and, through them, sanctifying hierarchy until the end of time. So that my demonstration to be convincing, I made constant reference to what is considered “the Church’s living memory” and “life of the Spirit in the Church”, that sacred tradition, seen in both its aspects – steadfast and dynamic – by the two illustrious representatives whose religious education vision I have presented.


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Author Biography

Sorin Marinescu, “Dunarea de Jos“ University of Galati

Pr. lect. dr. Sorin Marinescu, Facultatea de Istorie, Filosofie și Teologie, Universitatea „Dunărea de Jos“ din Galați

How to Cite
Marinescu, S. (2016). Importanța educației religioase a tinerilor, oglindită în aspectul statornic al Sfintei Tradiții – Sfântul Ioan Gură de Aur și aspectul ei dinamic și local – episcopul Antim Angelescu. Teologie și Educație La "Dunărea De Jos", 14, 373-392. Retrieved from
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