Importanța educației religioase a tinerilor, oglindită în aspectul statornic al Sfintei Tradiții – Sfântul Ioan Gură de Aur și aspectul ei dinamic și local – episcopul Antim Angelescu
Lately, the Church has been increasingly accused of transforming the religion class and the religious education, in general, part of a strategy to retain as many “contributors” through “indoctrination” of young people. I tried to demonstrate by presenting through pedagogical thought two leading bishops and preachers of the universal and local Church that the religious education of young people is not a last minute strategy of the Church, but a perpetuous concern, by the mandate of Christ the Savior Holy Apostles, and, through them, sanctifying hierarchy until the end of time. So that my demonstration to be convincing, I made constant reference to what is considered “the Church’s living memory” and “life of the Spirit in the Church”, that sacred tradition, seen in both its aspects – steadfast and dynamic – by the two illustrious representatives whose religious education vision I have presented.