Cuvânt, comunicare, comuniune – Sfântul Atanasie cel Mare și actualitatea teologiei Logosului –

  • Sorin Marinescu “Dunarea de Jos“ University of Galati
Keywords: communion, person, sense, dialogue, word, communication


A common place of the major public debates it is represented by the both material and spiritual crisis, which is nothing less than the reflection of a crisis at the level of communication between persons, under two aspects: first of all, the communication it restrains its sense to a simple transfer of ideas – verbal or non-verbal – in an unholy world and it doesn’t mean anymore “to impart” or “to give”. Second of all, the word, mean of communication, passes through a fast process of impoverish of his reason senses. In the age of television and computer – with the accent on the image – (the word) becomes a simple label of the image, signifying only what can be seen. We consider that the reevaluation of the word and communication, from the spiritual perspective of the Holy Church Fathers, represents a very useful mean of recovery. The theology of Saint Athanasius the Great is a theology of the Logos, seen as a divine Person, equal with the Father and with the Holy Spirit. The Logos as a Person, from who spreads the reasons of all things, and Word, who speaks through all the things, wanting to connect the people with Himself, is both the Creator and The One Who takes care of the world, but also The Saviour. From the Word of God (Logos), as a supreme Reason, results the senses of all those that were created; in the same time, in communion with Him, as the Subject of all the words, everything has life. The absence of the communion with Him and with fellow creatures, showed through a lack of communication or a substitute of communication with the other, given by the modern technology, means missing the vocation of person – image of God, but also alienation, estrangement from God, from our fellow creatures, and especially from ourselves, having as consequence the obsession of the absurdity of the existence.

Author Biography

Sorin Marinescu, “Dunarea de Jos“ University of Galati

Pr. lect. dr. Sorin Marinescu, Facultatea de Istorie, Filosofie și Teologie, Universitatea „Dunarea de Jos“ din Galați

How to Cite
Marinescu, S. (2014). Cuvânt, comunicare, comuniune – Sfântul Atanasie cel Mare și actualitatea teologiei Logosului –. Teologie și Educație La "Dunărea De Jos", 12, 133-146. Retrieved from
2013 – Anul omagial al Sfinților Împărați Constantin și Elena

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