Amprente ale arhitecturii brâncovenești în Galați și Tecuci
Renaissance phenomenon in Romania found, as forms of expression, other than the ones the West of Europe of 16th-17th centuries, particularly in the Mediterranean, the world has known. This does not mean that the final influences of middle age and beginning of modernity have not found echo in the North-Danubian, Romania today. Reflection on the relationship between art and nature through art history and architecture, but in the Romanian principalities from 17th and 18th centuries it will be formalized within the pitoresque poetry of the announcement. The quarter-century of brancovan leadership between 1688 and 1714, was outlining a national cultural expressions in which posterity has wanted to see with pride or missing, part of a local spirit incarnation, in the original, distinctive morphologies in these parts of the continent. Creation par excellence of this reign, called the brancovan style, was a style of art and a way of life, one of the ceremony, of introspection, of colour and the organic, the patience and the journey. It was a style that the architects of the end of the 19th century and beginning of the 20th century, recommend it, putting him, thus, a programmatic movements, known as neo-Romanian architecture. Renaissance elements, devoid of present territory of Galați County enjoys brancovan art, echoing through the neo-Romanian architecture of buildings erected in the city of Galați and Tecuci, municipality in the period from the turn of the 18th, 19th century and 20th century, up to the end of the decade of the last century. Trilobate supported by arches, columns with composite capitels with vegetal motifs, mulurs, also with decorative elements for plants, in the teeth of the saw on the facades of buildings, some of them true palaces, are nothing more than the implementation of weather by architects, some of them well-known, valuable items of art, the brancovan elements of architecture that have created their own style, that today, also known as the brancovan style.