Despre suferinţă, boală, răbdare, vindecare, nădejde şi Taina Sfântului Maslu din perspectiva învăţăturii creştin-ortodoxe

  • Stelian Gomboş Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă, Sibiu
Keywords: sickness, suff ering, patience, hope, healing


One of the most difficult trials for both believers and unbelievers is sickness. But the approach to it is very different. The unbeliever despairs, blasphemes and rebels against everybody; he closes in and starts dying gradually, fi rstly spiritually and then physically. The believer has a superior understanding of the sickness. He sees in it God rebuking him for his sins or a chance to become spiritually a better person. In this respect, the Holy Unction is seen as a providential solution for the believer tried with disease. The models of patience from the Holy Scriptures, the examples of healings performed by our Savior Jesus Christ and the prayer of the Holy Unction Sacrament are indeed “wound balm”.
The present study also adds examples of recent healings which show that God always performs miracles for His people. All these give us hope and strength to be patient when sick and to overcome the disease together with Christ.


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How to Cite
Gomboş, S. (2012). Despre suferinţă, boală, răbdare, vindecare, nădejde şi Taina Sfântului Maslu din perspectiva învăţăturii creştin-ortodoxe. Teologie și Educație La "Dunărea De Jos", 11, 54-93. Retrieved from