Despre raportul şi unitatea dintre Dumnezeiasca Euharistie şi Sfânta Taină a Căsătoriei sau a Nunţii

  • Stelian Gomboş Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă, Sibiu
Keywords: Eucharist, Marriage ceremony, communion, holiness


The relationship between the two great sacraments of the Church – Holy Eucharist and Holy Marriage, presented here, is intended to be an apology and a testament to the role, place, purpose and their importance, because in each Holy Sacrament, Jesus Christ gives us His ministry. In the Eucharist, gives us His body and Blood with Himself, the Eucharist is the mystery that extends Jesus Christ in us, that we are assimilated into His humanity deification, exalted by His Resurrection and Ascension. Marriage is the sacrament that brings human persons in Christ, on the bond of love that is sanctified and becomes fruitful in the family. In the Christian family, Savior governs, through His Holy Law of His Gospel, making it a “small church”.
This expansion of Jesus Christ in the soul of every Christian and each family is the Church – communion and community of people, united by the same Body and Blood of Christ, filled with the Holy Spirit. Thus constituted, as a concrete community, visible, of people with God, through Jesus Christ, in the Holy Spirit, the Church has, in turn, the sacramental power to extend Jesus Christ on, in other people, through elected bodies and sanctified by Christ Himself in Church and for the Church, by His Holy Spirit, adding to His Body new members. Sacraments, therefore, are central to the entire life of the Church. They are the indispensable condition for raising the Mystical Body of Jesus Christ. The Sacraments are “joints” and the links that unite the body of Jesus Christ, starting from his head (Col. II, 19), and by connecting the believers, that they become “as one man”, with one heart and one soul (Acts IV, 32).


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How to Cite
Gomboş, S. (2011). Despre raportul şi unitatea dintre Dumnezeiasca Euharistie şi Sfânta Taină a Căsătoriei sau a Nunţii. Teologie și Educație La "Dunărea De Jos", 10, 156-178. Retrieved from
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