Criza economică şi criza spirituală a familiei în Răsăritul şi Apusul Europei. Posibile remedii creştine
One of the reasons of spiritual crisis of the family from Europe, nowadays, is represented by the diminution of birth rate caused by the family economical problems, by the feminist ambitions of mothers, using different contraceptive treatments, by the economical lacks and the spiritual death of the traditional village.
On the other hand, the family as a social sacred space, recognizes a spiritual decadence without precedent in the history, the divorce affects today, in some countries, until 35% of the families. The remedies that the Church offers arises from the Gospel: family counseling, on Christians principles; children’s education in the spirit of Christian tradition and of the social and moral perenial values, providing concrete support (accommodation, meal, medical treatment) in the social establishment of the Church.