Să ne întoarcem la Sfinţii Părinti ai Bisericii. Filantropia – lucrarea iubirii creştine prin credinţă

  • Reinhold Gestrich
Keywords: philanthropy, social strategy, Vasiliad, social support


Philanthropy defines best the work of the Church in the social area. It is an old strategy of the Christian Church, with roots in the Old Testament, with Christic arguments and patristical completions. Notable, is the work of the St. Basil the Great in
“Vasiliad”, as a model for the social ministry of Church from all times.
The philanthropic approach of the Church, today, is savior, for thousands of people, without any help.
Not only bread, but also physical heat defines the philanthropy of the Church, today, but also, providing a path, a meaning, a goal for life, here and beyond: Jesus Christ the Savior.

How to Cite
Gestrich, R. (2011). Să ne întoarcem la Sfinţii Părinti ai Bisericii. Filantropia – lucrarea iubirii creştine prin credinţă. Teologie și Educație La "Dunărea De Jos", 10, 136-144. Retrieved from https://gup.ugal.ro/ugaljournals/index.php/teologie/article/view/4538
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