Perspectiva părintelui Dumitru Stăniloae asupra diasporei româneşti şi a valorilor acesteia

  • Sorin Marinescu Dunarea de Jos University of Galati
Keywords: Romanian diaspora, Fr. Dumitru Stăniloae, Romanian Orthodox Church


In the Homage Year of the Romanian Pastoral Care outside Romania, we set out a study to capture the perspective of Fr. Dumitru Stăniloae on a phenomenon about which much has been written, the Romanian diaspora and the values of Romanians away from their birthplaces, both geographically and spiritually. The issue is particularly complex, because the increasingly stressful challenges of the “destination space“ as called by specialists in sociology, which is an increasingly technicalized, robotic and globalized world, in which man must to adapt to the economy of consumption, competition, as well as uniformity and alienation of oneself, at an accelerated pace. At the same time, the space of the paper does not allow us an exhaustive approach, but we will limit ourselves to a case study on the mission of the Romanian Orthodox Church, and for this approach to be successful, we could find sources of inspiration in the work of Fr. Dumitru Staniloae. At present, we can see that the Romanian Orthodox Church has managed, by setting up and consecrating Churches in the middle of the diaspora, to reduce distances, but the problem remains of the methods and means by which those far from home feel truly at home in the Church. Starting from these convictions of Fr. Dumitru Stăniloae, answering before God for the Romanian nation, the Romanian Orthodox Church, known as a “Church of Tradition”, has the mission we believe, in the diaspora, to spiritually revive the nation and the faith of Romanians everywhere, to refresh the richness of spiritual interpretations for the Romanian Orthodox believers of tomorrow and especially for their preparation.


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How to Cite
Marinescu, S. (2022). Perspectiva părintelui Dumitru Stăniloae asupra diasporei româneşti şi a valorilor acesteia. Teologie și Educație La "Dunărea De Jos", 19, 179-189. Retrieved from
Anul omagial al pastoraţiei românilor din afara României