De la frumuseţea artei la arta frumuseţii. Pictura, sculptura şi muzica în reflecţiile patristice despre Om şi Viaţa duhovnicească (Partea a III-a)

  • Gina Luminița Scarlat Dunarea de Jos University of Galati
Keywords: Patristic tradition, music, musical instruments, symbol, hermeneutics, spiritual life


This study represents the third and the last part of the project dedicated to the research of the anthropological and spiritual meanings of the examples used by the Holy Greek Fathers in fields such as painting, sculpture and music. His main objective is the analysis of the meanings of musical terms used in patristic, dogmatic and spiritual texts, with symbolic value. The use of words that designate musical instruments mentioned in the Holy Scriptures, in the theological texts of some Holy Fathers from the century. II-V, and the continuation of their reception by some Byzantine theologians from the X-XIV, expresses a recognition of the importance of the example in the field of art, for facilitating the understanding of theological teachings about man and the spiritual life. In this study, attention is directed to the patristic hermeneutics of the musical vocabulary, used as a rhetorical strategy for the transmission of meanings that express the structural beauty of man and spiritual life.


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How to Cite
Scarlat, G. (2022). De la frumuseţea artei la arta frumuseţii. Pictura, sculptura şi muzica în reflecţiile patristice despre Om şi Viaţa duhovnicească (Partea a III-a). Teologie și Educație La "Dunărea De Jos", 20, 235-276. Retrieved from