Obtaining and characterization of beers with cherries
Brewers try to offer to the consumer a larger variety of quality beers made after new or old recipes. For the obtaining of various types of beers brewers use diverse adjuvant or modify the fermentation parameters of beer. One of the aromatisation methods consists in adding fruits or fruit aroma in the wort prepared for fermentation. Sometimes, sugars may be added to wort, for the saturation of the beverage after refermentation. In this paper we compare two methods for the obtaining of beer with cherries aroma analyzing the main aroma substances found in this beer (diacetyl, 2, 3 pentanedione, acetaldehyde, etylacetate, propanol, isobutanol, isoamyl alcohol, isoamyl acetate). The aroma substances were determinated by head space gas-chromatography. The fermentation methods used were with added sugar and without sugar. We found that etylacetate; isoamyl acetate and isoamyl alcohol contents were higher in the sample with added sugar. Pentanedione, diacetyl, acetaldehyde, propanol and isobutanol contents were higher in the sample without sugar. For flavour improvement of beers fruits may be added before fermentation.