Place and Importance of Physical Therapy in PIP for People with Disabilities

  • Maria Dorina Pasca University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Tirgu Mures
  • Florin Turcanu University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Tirgu Mures
  • Laurentiu-Gabriel Talaghir “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati
Keywords: kinetic therapy, beneficiary, PIP, disability


Customized individual plan (PIP) for people with disabilities is both an effective way of structuring teamwork through physical and psychological recovery of the person concerned and monitoring the results that may be obtained in each subject. In this context, including it (PIP) in kinetic therapy rehabilitation segment is a way for our study developed in ”Sunshine” Association Iernut, Mures to quantify the beneficial results of this action regarding optimizing the quality of life of beneficiaries. The present study has been developed during March 2014-February 2015 on a subject with Down syndrome. Based on the diagnose received from DGASPC (having a confidential status), Customized individual plan (PIP) was made, having the following action methods: physical recovery by kinetic therapy, mental recovery by psychological. The results obtained in this study, the ”Sunshine” Association from Iernut, Mures County, can be a viable alternative for people with disabilities for the purposes of recovery and their reintegration into society. To be emphasized that such an approach and attitude determines social-structural changes, so the recipient is part of the reference group and not only, ”Sunshine” standing by his side.


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How to Cite
Pasca, M., Turcanu, F. and Talaghir, L.-G. (2015) “Place and Importance of Physical Therapy in PIP for People with Disabilities”, Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle XV, Physical Education and Sport Management, 1, pp. 94-97. Available at: (Accessed: 12March2025).

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