The Ports on the Lower Danube – Some Technical Aspects

  • Violeta Puscasu


The geographic water routes have always played an important role in the geostrategic decisions of the great powers. Today, this aspect is actively integrated in a variety of policies, from those on cross-border cooperation and good neighbourhood to the sectoral ones for the development of transport, tourism and trade. In this respect, the Danube is one of the most obvious examples, its role being promoted by the riparian states, as well as outside Europe, due to the connections it opens. In terms of flow and navigation, the most important part is on the Romanian territory, in the so-called Lower Danube sector, while Romanian ports are key points in the implementation of development strategies. Accordingly, the article reviews their technical potential, so as to underline the differences, as well as the possibilities for future capitalization.

How to Cite
Puscasu, V. (2023). The Ports on the Lower Danube – Some Technical Aspects. Public Administration and Regional Studies, 7(2). Retrieved from