Seasonality And Recurrence Of Epidemic And Endemic Diseases In Mokolo (North-Cameroon)

  • Daniel Valerie Baska Toussia
  • Violeta Puscasu


Faced with climate change that modifies the climate on a planetary scale, we observe a rise in temperature, associated with changes in the precipitation regime. It is important, in this respect, to question the effects that these mutations could have on health. This study conducted at the Mokolo scale helps to understand the relationship between seasonality and recurrent epidemic and endemic diseases. The surveys carried out among the populations of Mokolo and the health care structures, the pluviometric, thermal and health data collected result in significant annual and monthly fluctuations in precipitation and temperature, the corollaries of which are significant health risks.
This situation contributes to the proliferation of direct diseases such as skin cancer, drowning and indirect diseases related to water quality and vector agents. Faced with these admonishments, the various actors involved in the health sector in Mokolo must take measures to protect not only the population, above all by increasing efforts in vaccination programs, drinking water supply, strengthening of the sanitation, sanitary equipment, but also by creating a permanent monitoring team to respond effectively to seasonal fluctuations or climate variations. This involves a health development process from below (participatory approach) and not from above.

How to Cite
Baska Toussia, D. V., & Puscasu, V. (2023). Seasonality And Recurrence Of Epidemic And Endemic Diseases In Mokolo (North-Cameroon). Public Administration and Regional Studies, 6(2). Retrieved from