Some Considerations about Urban Planning and Urban Landscape Relationship in Romania
The article aims to reveal some aspects concerning planning (with its derived urban/city planning) considered a relatively recent discipline and created to deal with a vast and complex array of contemporary urban problems. Some of its dimensions are very used in all systems even their name changed. By this it became relevant both for geographers and for civil servants public administration. The paper purpose is to advocate in a diachronic manner the inter-relationship between the city planning and urban landscape in Romania. The content starts with a short presentation of the subject in local and the international literature, as a basement for understanding of actual urban landscape approach. The different stages are identified according to political and physical planning. Planning objective appears to be implemented with a wide variety of tools including traditional planning, zoning and subdivision regulations, and some newer concepts such as urban growth boundaries and conservation easements. The article deal with the response to the question about what type and stages of planning was in Romania and how it works to influence on the urban landscape and the value of urban coherence

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