Comparative analysis of the manoeuvrability performance for a 9000 tdw chemical/oil tanker

  • Ana Maria Agache “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati
  • Radu Bosoancă “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati
Keywords: manoeuvrability, turning circle, preliminary, estimation, sea trials


The concept of manoeuvrability is very important for efficient ship operation but also in ship safety. The aim of this paper is to test and perform a comparative analysis of manoeuvrability performance of a 9000 tdw chemical/oil tanker. The comparative analysis has been performed between the results obtained based from two software’s, namely PHP and MPP, but also between the results obtained in the sea trials with the output data from MPP. In this way it will be shown the differences (if any) in terms of manoeuvrability., and if the two used platforms are effective for providing preliminary determination of performances of manoeuvrability.


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[4] Prof, M.G. Parsons, Multi-objective Project Planning (MPP), Universitatea din Michigan, S.U.A., 2008
[5] IMO MSC/Circ.1053 16 December 2002
[6] ABS – Guide for Vessel Maneuverability, 2006
How to Cite
Agache A, Bosoancă R. Comparative analysis of the manoeuvrability performance for a 9000 tdw chemical/oil tanker. Annals of ”Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle XI Shipbuilding [Internet]. 4Dec.2023 [cited 31Mar.2025];46:141-6. Available from:

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