Galati, 47, Domneasca Street; Romania; Tel.: 0336 130 107 Email:
Manuscript Guidelines
1. Submission
1.1. Manuscript Submission
All articles must be submitted to the email address, which is visible on the JARDS website ( Communications between authors and editors, including editorial decisions and revision requests, will be conducted solely through the email address
1.2. General Requirements
Manuscripts must be written in both Romanian and English. The work must be original and not previously published or under evaluation at another publication. The article should be written using the Journal Template (click here to download). Manuscripts that align with the journal's objectives and scope will be reviewed by at least two reviewers through an anonymous review process.
1.3. Originality
Submitted manuscripts must contain original research that has not been published previously and is not under evaluation elsewhere. Authors must ensure that no significant part of the work has been published or is under consideration for publication elsewhere.
2. Essential Information for the Title Page
2.1. Title
The title should be concise and accurately reflect the content of the work, avoiding abbreviations and formulas where possible. It is essential to include terms that are likely to be used by readers searching for articles on the same topic.
2.2. Authors' Names and Affiliations
The full affiliation of the authors must be provided, including email addresses and postal addresses.
2.3. Corresponding Author
There must be clear indications of the person who will handle correspondence throughout the evaluation and publication process. Phone numbers and email addresses must be provided.
3. Manuscript Structure
3.1. Abstract
The abstract should be concise, with a maximum of 300 words, and should include the research purpose, main results, and major conclusions. It should also highlight the study's relevance and impact on the research field.
3.2. Keywords
Provide at least five relevant keywords that will help index and find the article in databases. These keywords should be representative of the content and theme of the work.
3.3. JEL Classification
Include the appropriate JEL classification code for your article (
3.4. Article Format
The article should be written in Microsoft Word, A4 format, with 2.5 cm margins on top, bottom, left, and right. The font used should be Calibri Light. Please download the Journal Template from here.
3.5. Article Structure
• Introduction: Present the addressed problem, its importance, and the objectives of the work, highlighting its relevance in the current context.
• Literature Review: Analyze the specialized literature and establish the theoretical framework of the research, identifying gaps and justifying the need for the study.
• Methods: Describe the methods used in detail to allow replication of the study, including specific tools and procedures.
• Results: Present the results clearly and concisely, using graphs and tables to facilitate understanding.
• Discussion: Interpret the results, discussing them in the context of existing literature and highlighting practical and theoretical implications.
• Conclusions: Summarize the main contributions of the work, indicate the study's limitations, and suggest future research directions.
Graphs must be clearly made to ensure optimal readability. Equations and formulas must be numbered, with the respective numbers placed in parentheses on their right side. Abbreviations and acronyms must be explained upon their first appearance in the article text. All figures and tables must have descriptive titles and legends explaining their content in detail, along with the source.
4. Additional Instructions
4.1. Acknowledgements
The Acknowledgements section should be as concise as possible, including recognition of grants and funding organizations. Also, mention collaborators and individuals who significantly contributed to the study.
5. References
Use the APA citation style for references. References must be listed alphabetically at the end of the article.
For articles: Popescu, A., & Ionescu, M. (2015). Finance, Entrepreneurship, and Economic Growth: Theory and Evidence. Journal of Monetary Economics, 45(2), 210-235.
For books: Vasilescu, D. P. (2010). The Cost of Capital. Estimation and Applications. Bucharest: Economic Publishing House.
For collective works: Georgescu, C., & Mihalache, F. (2008). Budget Deficits, the Cause of Government Spending Growth? In I. Popa (Ed.): Public Finance and Public Debt. Bucharest University Press, pp. 189-208.
For research papers: Popa, V. R., & Tudor, E. (2012). Comparing Volatility Models: Is There Anything Better Than a GARCH (1,1)? Research Paper Series No. 101, Academy of Economic Studies, Financial Analysis Center, pp. 1-50.
For conference papers: Iliescu, G. (2013). Proportional Income Tax Rate and Competitiveness in Romania: Understanding Policy Issues and Implications. Paper presented at the International Academic Forum on Flat Tax, organized by the Center of Excellence in Finance, Bucharest, Romania, retrieved from
For websites: UN (2017). Database,, accessed January 2018.
All references must be checked against the original sources. It is important that there is a strict correspondence between the authors' names in the text and those in the reference list.
6. Number of issues published per year
JARDS is published four times a year. The deadlines for manuscript submissions are as follows:
• March issue: January 15
• June issue: April 15
• September issue: July 15
• December issue: October 15
7. Plagiarism policy
JARDS uses anti-plagiarism software to verify the originality of submitted manuscripts. The maximum accepted similarity percentage is 10%. The editor reserves the right to reject manuscripts that do not meet these standards. Additionally, authors must guarantee that their works are original and have not been previously published or submitted for publication in another journal. Any sources used must be properly cited to avoid plagiarism accusations.
8. Evaluation process
8.1. Double-blind review
JARDS uses a double-blind review process to ensure impartiality and objectivity in manuscript evaluation. In this process, the identities of the authors and reviewers remain anonymous throughout the evaluation, preventing any influence or bias.
8.2. Reviewer selection
Manuscripts are sent for evaluation to experts in the relevant field of study. Reviewers are selected based on their expertise and academic experience, ensuring a high-quality evaluation.
8.3. Evaluation criteria
Reviewers evaluate manuscripts based on several criteria, including originality, relevance to the field of study, clarity of presentation, methodological rigor, and contribution to existing knowledge. Each review includes detailed comments and recommendations for manuscript improvement.
8.4. Feedback and decision
After receiving the reviews, the editor-in-chief makes a decision regarding the acceptance, revision, or rejection of the manuscript. Authors receive the reviewers' feedback, which may include suggestions for modifications and improvements. If revisions are required, authors are encouraged to respond point by point to the reviewers' comments.
8.5. Confidentiality and ethics
All information and comments provided by reviewers are treated confidentially. JARDS is committed to adhering to ethical standards in the evaluation process, ensuring the integrity and quality of publications.
8.6. Evaluation time
JARDS strives to complete the evaluation process within 8-10 weeks of receiving the manuscript. The editor informs the authors about the evaluation status and any delays.
9. Free publication policy
There are no fees for submitting and processing works, ensuring equal access and publication opportunities for all authors.
By adhering to these instructions, we ensure the high standards of quality and scientific integrity of the articles published in JARDS. These rigorous procedures contribute to the credibility and impact of the presented research, facilitating the advancement of knowledge in the field of agriculture and rural development. We express our appreciation for your efforts and valuable contributions to the progress of this essential field. Your commitment to adhering to these standards helps build a robust and innovative scientific community.
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.
Database indexing:
Galati, 47, Domneasca Street; Romania; Tel.: 0336 130 107 Email: