Aspecte concrete privind parteneriatul Biserică-Școală în Inspectoratul Școlar Județean Brăila

  • Ovidiu Soare “Dunarea de Jos“ University of Galati
Keywords: Partnership, Church, School, Religion course, extracurricular activities, spiritual growth, Christian values, tradition, identity, spirituality, culture, education


The Church-School Partnership has the aim to support and improve the Religion course, as well as the development of common extracurricular activities. The protocols made between the Church and the School specifically aid at spiritual, moral, and cultural development, as well as responsibility and exigency according to Christian values, through concrete actions. The need for this kind of partnerships between the institutions that govern the education of young generations in our country is a natural thing, present in Europe. Furthermore, the partnerships complement the educational activities by mutually sharing each other’s educational experiences present in various cultural, educational, and spiritual institutions. Moreover, the Romanian Orthodox Church has the opportunity to be present in the scholastic environment with everything it stands for: tradition, identity, spirituality, and culture. The Church’s presence at school is welcome as well amid the emphasis on the secularising attitudes in the Romanian social enviroment.


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Author Biography

Ovidiu Soare, “Dunarea de Jos“ University of Galati

Pr. lect. univ. dr. Ovidiu Soare, Facultatea de Istorie, Filosofie și Teologie, Universitatea „Dunărea de Jos“ din Galați

How to Cite
Soare, O. (2017). Aspecte concrete privind parteneriatul Biserică-Școală în Inspectoratul Școlar Județean Brăila. Teologie și Educație La "Dunărea De Jos", 15, 70-83. Retrieved from
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