Valoarea creatoare a religiei, în gândirea filosofului creștin Vasile Băncilă
In the work of Christian philosopher Vasile Băncilă, creation without religion, without God, has no value, it is not perennial, rather it erodes as time goes by. His attitude towards the society′s values, from which religion is not lacking, was a militant attitude in the interwar period. This attitude, even though militant, became an interiorised one, much like an exile during the communist period. A work full of intellectual vigor, but timid at the same time; rather a creative lingering timidity, one whose intellectual discourse interferes with the one of the Apostle Paul - full of strength, stability, patience and suffering. Without suffering, also understood as sacrifice, the creative act cannot acquire true existence. Here we speak of suffering, because the creative act of Vasile Băncilă was one that went beyond personal interests, acquiring perennial attributes.