Aspecte social-pastorale ale Tainei Spovedaniei, din perspectiva dinamicii lumii moderne
Approaching the sacred determines of our apparent stop in time, perceived as one in which past, present and future is here and now. Outside the sacred space we see that it bustles, changes and redefines in a very high speeds. Modernity and postmodernity bring an increase in training, the rapid exchange of information, but also a personal interpretation of truth, beauty and goodness, a relativistic them and thus felt confusion, tension, anxiety, alienation and selfishness. Independence person against any rule or order, often leads to behavior that is at the limit of social norms.
Most of these negative expressions we find the confession chair. One aspect present in our social space, tied to confession, is the misunderstanding of the role that this sacrament has in our lives, which can make the order of fasting and confession to produce harm on us and our neighbors. The receipt and understanding of the Sacrament of Confession accents are found those individual to each person; understand his own interests, depending on education, cultural heritage or family experiences in this life; there is a role of the priest to not let this individual agreement to be separated from the Church’s teaching.